Monday, April 28, 2008

3 months!

So, this is just a summary highlight of the past month. We just went to Ava's 3 month Doctor's appointment and Ava is now 10 lbs and 11 ounces, which puts her in the bottom 10 percent of the growth chart. Though that sounds sad, it's actually GOOD news because that's up from a month ago when she was at the bottom 5 percent. SO YaY for the growth this month! Slowly, but surely. Hopefully, you're able to see the progression in the pictures, you'll especially notice in the roundness of her face -- which is a obviously a trait from mommy.

She's contstantly eating her fists, they say it's a sign of being tired, but she can eat that fist for hours.

She falls asleep in the cutest positions

She's becoming quite the morning person

She loves to eat her toes too, flexible thing, isn't she?

Tummy time on mommy's tummy, talk about balancing

She apparently only giggles for daddy

being a sweet angel, this morning, sleeping almost a full 5 hours! sweet victory!

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