Friday, May 23, 2008

4 months!!

She started out with some stretching

then we sat her back up

so she could begin her forward roll

she took a break on the way

but now she's on all fours, she's full of quarter and half rolls....she's got the tummy to back roll down and now she's working on the back to tummy roll

taking a bath for her big doctor's appointment

we had the best night's sleep

I was trying to get her dressed for the appointment, but she's finally started to grow out of some of her clothes!

This is a post-visit shot

This was her second set of 4 shots! On her first set of vaccinations, she didn't cry until the 3rd shot, but this time around she was just so much more aware of what was going on around her, so she cried from the first shot until we left the office. But she had a great visit, she's now 12lbs. 8 oz., which puts her at the 25th percentile (that's up from 10th, last month), but for height and head growth, she's 50th percentile!! We are so terribly pleased with her progress.

Though they say some babies get grumpy after shots, we had her laughing & giggling pretty quickly after the appointment

She spent the rest of the evening napping, grubbing, and watching tv with daddy

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