Monday, July 7, 2008

Ear Piercing!

So we forgot to actually bring the camera in during the ear piercing, but trust me when I say she was a total trooper. She did shed tears, but this is taken just 10 minutes later and she looks pretty happy to me, despite what her Daddy thinks. Ever since then, when Ava cries, Jon says that it's because her ears hurt.............pfffffffffffffft, doubtful.

Showing off her bling!

Since we didn't want her last memory with Grandma to be of Grandma restraining her arms and head, so that some stranger could "poke holes through her head" (as Jon puts it), we made it to the ice cream parlor for some strawberry shortcake. She looks all better, wouldn't you say?


The Redwines said...

All little girls should have their ears pierced! Looks like yall had fun.

The Whatley's said...

Ava looks terribly distressed at having her ear pierced! (hehehe) Baby Jack nows wants an arm band tattoo. I told him he has to wait until he is at least 10 months.