Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter!

The night before Easter...

Ava practices for the Big Wheel Race (see pics at the end)

Of course Easter began with a bath...

It always starts out calm, but then....

she realized what we're doing...

mommy is trying to comfort her

now brother is trying.....and doing a pretty good job

much better

Easter outfit

Aunt Thien trying to wake up Ava to play

Union Street Festival

Ava slept right through it

Sean & Thien practicing for the Big Wheel Easter Race

These people are crazy

The remaining parts of Ava's toy walker after the race

This little girl just wanted to touch my baby,

but apparently Ava did not want to be touched

They completed two runs down the crookedest street in

San Francisco and not a scratch on them

What a wonderful First Easter.....

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Spring Break!

super baby! she loves that game

angelic, huh?

She's really learned how to use her hands and mimic us

This was just a great action shot, maybe some day she will like bath time

Sean was teaching her to eat her fists


Friday, March 21, 2008

Meeting another second cousin, Jacob

Jacob is a little less than two months older than Ava, but completely dwarfs her.

At Jacob's two month appointment he weighed in at 14lbs!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Two months

So, Ava had her 2 month appointment. She now weighs in at 8lbs. 5oz. and is 22 and 1/4" (this puts her in the bottom 5% on the growth chart, but we think there should be a separate Asian baby growth chart -- oh well, at least she's on the growth chart!). She was also given 4 shots; 2 in each thigh, and though Jon was a total scaredy cat.....Ava did not even cry until the 3rd shot went into her 2nd thigh. Pretty impressive. The pediatrician told us that we need to begin doing tummy time a couple of times a here we are.....she'll be crawling before we know it.