Saturday, May 31, 2008

Golden Gate Bridge

Grandma's come to visit!

Ava's obviously enjoying her time with Grandma

She just can't stop smiling and this picture is for those of you who don't think she looks like me at all.....those eyes are soooooooo small and asian when she giggles, huh??

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

First Feeding in her high chair

I think she likes it

I don't know what made her so cheery, but cute, huh?

She's ready to eat...

or so we thought...

it just takes her a while to get used to having moosh spooned in her mouth

but she's sorta, mostly getting the hang of it

On a side note, we've noticed that she's constantly putting those two little hands together like that, so I figure this means that she's either on her way to being a great prayer OR that she's coming up with all the different ways to take over the world......

but, I guess, most likely it's just one of the baby's developmental stages

Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend

I am amazed at how much her fine motor skills have improved the past couple of weeks by using this contraption

and at the amount of time she entertains herself without needing our attention

and how much those barnyard animal sounds still crack her up, even though she's heard them over & over a gooogillion times

She's learned to reach out for Mommy

How could I NOT pick her up after that?

We are slowly STILL working on transitioning her into her bed


This is her FIRST (legit) ROLL from back to front

We noticed a pattern, she only has the energy to do it when we set her down and she gets so frustrated because she didn't want us to set her down, then she builds up that momentum of aggravation and annoyance with us -- and then she'll go rolling like it's nothing


A beautiful day for a stroll by the beach

It actually can get pretty windy, so we had to bundle her up

"oh dear" face

and of course a little before bedtime play --

a nice end to a super-relaxing LONG weekend

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Giggle time with Daddy

Daddy still knows how to make baby laugh

Daddy's funny...

Ava's First Solid Food!!

This is Ava's first solid meal...please enjoy the exciting, action-packed clip

Friday, May 23, 2008

4 months!!

She started out with some stretching

then we sat her back up

so she could begin her forward roll

she took a break on the way

but now she's on all fours, she's full of quarter and half rolls....she's got the tummy to back roll down and now she's working on the back to tummy roll

taking a bath for her big doctor's appointment

we had the best night's sleep

I was trying to get her dressed for the appointment, but she's finally started to grow out of some of her clothes!

This is a post-visit shot

This was her second set of 4 shots! On her first set of vaccinations, she didn't cry until the 3rd shot, but this time around she was just so much more aware of what was going on around her, so she cried from the first shot until we left the office. But she had a great visit, she's now 12lbs. 8 oz., which puts her at the 25th percentile (that's up from 10th, last month), but for height and head growth, she's 50th percentile!! We are so terribly pleased with her progress.

Though they say some babies get grumpy after shots, we had her laughing & giggling pretty quickly after the appointment

She spent the rest of the evening napping, grubbing, and watching tv with daddy

Sunday, May 18, 2008

The magic of the Bumbo!!

look at her sitting up all by herself (sorta, mostly) -- she's like a real person

She's enjoying the view...

... I think she's trying to figure out how she's sitting up so well...

then she slowly starts to slouch

now she's getting a little fussy having to use all those back & neck muscles

now she's figured out how to relax, as she becomes more familiar with this new position

Now, we're trying to combine the 2 tricks; rattling and sitting up...

but all she wants to do is touch her toes

YaY she's got it!!

and there it was fantastic while it lasted!

Developmental Milestone -- Ratta-Tat-Tat!

Her first real rattle

trying to get a grip

she got a hold of it

now she's distracted by the flashes of the camera, she's not concentrating on rattling

back to concentrating

getting closer

She's rattling!!!