Sunday, August 31, 2008

Snack Time!


She's getting pretty good at feeding herself, but I still have to watch her to make sure she doesn't bite off more than she can chew.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Crawling machine!

She basically learned to stand before she learned to crawl, but now she can crawl like crazy.

Big Sister's Move-In Weekend!

She's the best flyer, even at 5am (much more vocal and curious about her surroundings this time around)

Lauren's dorm room

So very proud

So very tired with all of the moving

Friday, August 29, 2008


Dwayne and Mariel came all the way from Denton, Texas to visit us (and, well, a dozen other friends of their's, but we were one of the first)

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Ready for a Hike!

She could camp out in this thing, I think she's ready for Labor Day Weekend!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The best nap ever!

Ava's new napping position

Sometimes after a long night of sleep, she'll even roll over to this position by morning (this also happens to be the way her Auntie used to sleep when she was younger).

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Working up an appetite for chicken!

We thought we'd take a walk on this beautiful, sunny day

Ava didn't want to get any sun in her eyes (and I think it's adorable)

Mama's using that dusty 'ole jogging stroller (See, Auntie! We use it!)

Daddy's off-roading it through a Golden Gate Park trail

Ava's waving "Hello" as we take a snack break by the beach (if you look closely, she's sucking on her snack bag)

We're almost home and Ava got antsy, so Daddy had to entertain her

This was Daddy's pick for Ava's first meat-meal (chicken noodles),
though between you & I, it looks like, well, I think you can tell what it looks like

As you can see here, she lovesssssss it

Daddy keeps shoveling it in though

She's raising her hand in protest, so we will save it again for tomorrow, they say it can take up to a dozen tries before baby gets used to new foods...but maybe our baby is a vegetarian? Asian Grandma would like that...hahaha

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Couch Time

Here she is flashing us her diaper

Now she's ready to show us her new favorite hobby

She starts on her knees

then she's up on her feet (I know, I know -- this is sounding like deja vu, but there's more)

since I don't have the video edited yet, this is the pic of her taking her hands off the couch to see if she can balance by herself, then about one and a half seconds later, she falls

though this never deters her from trying again, she actually seems to enjoy it, so she'll repeat this ALL day long

We have some good video we will be posting soon, we just definitely need to do some editing to it, for your viewing enjoyment, of course!

Veggie Puffs!

We introduced her to veggie puffs (and cereal/Cheerios) this weekend, pretty exciting stuff, eh?


She seems to really like it, but the Cheerios are good too...

...but best of all, she loves that cell phone.

Side note: I am waiting on some pictures from my sister's visit from this past week, we couldn't get them copied for some weird reason, so we'll have to figure a way to get them posted. So that's why no pictures of Ava with her Auntie this past week. Plus her Auntie STOLE our camera and took it back to Texas with we are using our back up camera.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Late Update

This photo is courtesy of my cousin, Kim, it is a late entry, but worthy nonetheless:

Ava getting reacquainted with her second cousin Jacqui over 4th of July weekend in Texas (this was before Jacqui's new haircut, which Ava is so envious of...)

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Visiting Jacob (a second cousin in San Jose)

The babies wanted to share the hammock

Ava not only likes to roll over she also likes to go for the eyes

Jacob was smart enough to push her arms out of the way,

but little did he know that she'd still come back and try again

This is cute little Jacob covering his eyes....he learns quick (my baby's a scrappy fighter -- always going for the cheap shots)

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Now she's just showing off...

look, one-handed!

She won't sit still in the bassinet anymore, she automatically gets up to stand, so now we've got to lower all the bassinets to the lower level. What a curious little monkey!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

She's growing up so fast...

She can feed herself now, so she doesn't need mama anymore, well except for diaper changes, baths, getting dressed, etc.....:)

sometimes she just lacks the focus

but once she's got it, she's got it