Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Can you guess what she is?

It takes some balancing to get this right

She obviously loves it
It's difficult to crawl/move around in this, as you can imagine
Now can you tell which legs are hers?
She sometimes forgets

As soon as we take the head piece off, she's so much happier, but as you know, we'll do anything for a good shot

Thursday, October 30, 2008

9 months! Where has the time gone?!?!

Ava had her 9 month visit, where she had 2 immunizations and 1 influenza shot. Though the picture shows her all snotty-nosed and crying, she was actually a great sport. When we were walking back to the car, she spotted a puppy and just started giggling. She put on that big wide smile where she squints her eyes real small (like mama). The man walking the dog noticed and decided to let her see the puppy up close, but then she acted like she didn't have the slightest interest in either of them. She got all shy or something. Well, then he put the dog back down and started walking in front of us....and sure enough, she did it again. She went it into a giggling fit and put on that big smile. It was a riot. She ended up sleeping the whole way home, where the rest of the night went like usual until she woke up screaming around 7:30 pm later that night. We had to call the night nurse because it was unlike anything we'd ever heard before. It was an intermittent high pitched screaming every few seconds (way worse then the video below), then she'd calm down for a minute and it would start all over again. We finally got the nurse on the phone and she told us this was normal. Whew. A little less than an hour later, the screams became less and less and she finally fell asleep. Next time we will give her the preventative Tylenol, instead of waiting until it was too late.....lesson learned.

Okay, so here's the low-down, Ava weighed in at 16 lbs., putting her at about the 5th percentile!! WooHoo! Impressive eh? And here I thought she was getting beefy. The Doctor said it was okay though because she's so active with the crawling, pseudo walking, etc. So, she measures in at over 28", which puts her at the 35th percentile, and finally the head, I forgot the measurement, but it put her at the 75th percentile! So, basically, she has the proportions of a giant bobble head figure. That's my girl!

We forgot to take the happy before all we have are sad after pictures.

The next morning she was pretty much back to her normal stubborn, happy, self. Though she's started to resist feedings because she just doesn't want us spoon feeding her anymore. She'll grab the spoon right out of our hands as we approach her mouth and she has impeccable timing, as you can see.

She may end up wearing most of it, but how can we resist that face?

Our strategy now is just to wait until she laughs, smiles, or screams then we shovel in a bunch of food. And that is what we call -- feeding time.....I am sure it will get more interesting as soon as we see some TEETH!

(The Doctor says that she can see the buds on the top row -- but who knows how long it will be....but we'll have a drop cloth ready and waiting)

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Screeching Ava

You may want to adjust your volume for this one....lower or higher?

Well, that's up to your sensabilities.

Enjoy an early Halloween Treat!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Let's swing!

Halloween Carnival!

This was my first "Mommy's Group" event and we had a blast! I know we went over board on the pictures, but it was too much fun. Hope you guys enjoy!

Can you guess what she is?

This bumble bee took a liking to her, I think she wanted to take a bite??
She wasn't the only one either, there were all sorts of kids "eyeing" her.

Ava's enjoying her first ride on this futuristic merry-go-round.
(I guess we haven't been on a playground in a long time because this one was unlike anything we'd ever seen or played on when we were kids. And now I sound sooo OLD.)

She seems to be having a lot of fun, oh yeah and Ava likes it okay too.

She also seemed fascinated by these other children, which is a relief because the last baby she came in contact with she screamed at, crying and pouting until the other baby was out of sight.

UhOh, I may have spoken too soon.....

Oh No, she's back to smiling, the merry-go-round finally got moving again....with so many kids climbing to the top, you aren't allowed to start spinning it until every one's settled although this was some sort of safety measure (the netting), it's also quite a logistical nightmare.

This is the baby 3-seater-see-saw, but umm....Daddy scared away the other kiddos.

And this is something we've never seen before...some sort of pod type twirly thing.
(This would be great fun for adults, if only our butts would fit)

I don't think she knew what to think.

Again, we moved on to the next station, the swings....Lauren thought we should start out reallllllllllllllly fast,

but Daddy did not agree -- then she got hungry.

Ava's found more "friends" and by friends I really mean babies to poke and prod at until their parents decide to intervene and save them.

This little girl knows that she's no match for my scrappy one, who obviously likes to fight dirty (i.e., pinching them while their back is turned).

She's ready for a nap...

That's her "milk beard."

Lauren was feeling a little left out without a costume and without all the attention, so Voila!

Who was cuter?? Really???

Thursday, October 23, 2008

First, Tiny, Itty, Bitty Steps?

You have to watch closely.....what do you think?? She's so ready!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Baby Camping?

What baby doesn't need an IKEA igloo tent? Jon & I are on an outdoor kick, so one of these days we're going to go camping and baby will need her own tent.

She likes it, but is a little scared, unless mommy sits in there with her.

I tried to sneak out, but she's too smart for that.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Apple Juice!

That's my lazy, intuitive baby!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Sunny Day!

We're just trying to get some Vitamin D

we're also trying to get her to take a sippy cup, this our 3rd type

but she mostly just likes to chew on it, plus it didn't help that Daddy introduced it to her with the cap on, so she was sucking on the thing for half the walk before I realized it, no wonder she gave up and just started chewing on it....hahaha -- she must've been thirsty and confused.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Fleet Week Parade & Air Show

What a beautiful morning for today's events!

It's a little windy...

Turns out some of the fleet was delayed...

but Ava doesn't seem to mind.

...Oh yeah, and be the way, the rest of the fleet won't be here until tomorrow -- DOH!

So, we thought this was a heart, but it sort of looks like a peace sign in the picture

but the air show has begun

and Ava's super interested...

she may not be focused on the show, but she's having fun outside babbling to other neighboring children and eyeing the dogs around her (this is our favorite "Ava-face")


this was just the beginning

she's worked up an appetite

and despite the noise, my baby went right to sleep

the air show continued

quite a spectacle

Ava watched contently

The Blue Angels

but after almost 6 hours, it was most definitely time to go...she was a great sport though

I'll have Jon post some video soon