Thursday, July 24, 2008


Ava is now 6 months, she weighs in at 14 pounds and 10 ounces, she is over 25 and 1/2 inches tall and her head is just over 43mm. This puts her back down to 25th percentile in height and weight, but 50th percentile for her head. We've always thought that her head was quite large, but I think she does a great job of holding that big head up.

She did receive another 4 shots, 2 in each leg and this time she was quite aware of what was going on because she looked up at me immediately with the saddest look on her face. As if to say, "why would you do this to me, mama?" Her first squeals were so high-pitched you couldn't even hear them, but you could see it on her face. She cried for about 10 minutes, until I gave her my cell phone to play with (that's her new thing, she is in complete awe of the cell phone). I tried the bottle and that did not work, but for some reason that cell phone did the trick. I walked her around for another 15 minutes to get some fresh air and she seemed to enjoy it. She did display some signs of distress that evening, but the Tylenol took care of that. The next morning she was practically back to normal with just a little bit of tenderness around the thighs. Nonetheless, we made it and our next visit isn't for another 3 months....and Jon is super thankful for that.

The other thing I wanted to note is that Ava is definitely in that "separation anxiety" phase and though we knew this was coming and it was just a part of growing up, the Doctor mentioned that typically when a baby enters this stage, this early, though it's a sign of her being ahead developmentally, it also tends to be a sign that she will enter this stage with more "intensity." Which we believe is a nicer way to say that this is going to be a longgggggggggggg, harddddddddddd next couple of months. Please wish us luck and be patient with the updates as it may be more difficult to shoot those "smiley" pictures and also to find the time to post them.

1 comment:

The Redwines said...

Looks like yall have been busy having fun taking Ava across the country, showing her the sights. Good luck on the separation anxiety. Anna had hers early, and it still hasn't gone away!