Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Another Birthday Party!

Ava's using the toys to accessorize

we were trying to get a group shot of the kids, nothing gets their attention like cupcakes

The Birthday Girl started to dig in early, Ava thinks it's her birthday too...but she actually does not like cake or chocolate -- sprinkles are a different story

Group shot - attempt #1

Group shot - attempt #2
(not too bad for coordinating 6 mostly 1 year olds)


Jill said...
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Jill said...

Ava is getting so big! She is just adorable. I made my blog private, but I don't have your email address to invite you to view it. Shoot me an email sometime with your email address or put it on my blog and I'll be sure to add you to the invite list. Hope you guys are well!